作者/篇名 |
張德銳 臺北市教學輔導教師制度的回顧、現況與前瞻 The Past, Present, and Prospects of Mentor Teacher Program in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. |
1 |
丁一顧、張德銳 認知教練相關概念、研究及其啟示 The Concept and Research of Cognitive Coaching and Its Implications |
23 |
陳木金、謝紫菱、邱馨儀 國民小學的學校學習文化評鑑指標建構之研究 The Study of Constructing Evaluation Indicators of School Learning Culture in Taiwan Elementary Schools |
51 |
張素偵 臺灣教育評鑑之文獻分析—以博碩士論文及期刊論文為主 Literature Review for Educational Evaluation in Taiwan |
83 |
林雍智 日本實施中小學校整併的情形對我國之啟示 The Implementation of Compulsory Education Schools on School Consolidation in Japan and Its Revelation for Taiwan |
135 |
作者/篇名 | 頁碼 |
曾淑惠 高職教職員對學校自我評鑑能力建立之知覺 Perceptions of Senior Vocational School Staff on School Self-evaluation Capacity Building |
1 |
郭昭佑 當評鑑遇上教育─教育評鑑意涵探究 When Evaluation Meets Education: The Exploration of the Meanings for Educational Evaluation |
19 |
黃財尉 教師表現評鑑的信效度議題 Validity and Reliability Issues for Teacher Performance Evaluation |
43 |
張德銳 結合學生學習成果的中小學教師評鑑模式 Linking Student Learning Outcome and Teacher Evaluation for Elementary and Secondary Schools |
59 |
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陳麗玉 競值架構對我國高等教育國際化評鑑指標之啟示 Implications of the Competing Values Framework for Developing Internationalization Indicators in Higher Education Evaluation Plan |
1 |
丁一顧、林瑜一、張德銳 國民小學教學有困難教師教學輔導策略之研究 A Study of Managing Strategies for Instructional Incompetent Teachers in Elementary Schools |
19 |
黃玉幸、蔡培村、張慶勳 國民小學校務評鑑歷程中之組織文化現象 The Organizational Culture Phenomena in Elementary School Evaluation |
45 |
陳幸仁 微觀政治學:一個學校行政的新興研究領域 Micropolitics: A New Field of Research on School Administration |
67 |
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丁一顧 中小學教師檔案評鑑及其應用 The Concepts and Applications of Teacher Portfolios Assessment |
1 |
葉又慈、吳和堂 國民小學教師自我評鑑與教學效能關係之研究 The Relationship between Teacher Self-evaluation and Teaching Effectiveness in Elementary Schools |
25 |
巫康菱、葉連祺 大學品牌知名度與品牌形象評估指標之建構 A Study on the Evaluation Indicators of Brand Awareness and Brand Images of University |
49 |
高嘉蔚、戴薇珍 學校本位課程發展的品質管理策略 The Quality Management Strategies for School-based Curriculum Development |
75 |
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何佳郡、劉春榮 教學輔導教師培訓人選遴選指標建構之研究 A Study on Constructing the Selection Indicators of Mentor Teacher Candidates |
1 |
黃麗美 一所國民中學教學評鑑方案實踐之個案研究-解凍、移動、再結凍的組織變革觀點 The Case Study on the Practice of Teaching Evaluation: From the Viewpoint of Organization Change |
29 |
徐易男 臺灣教育改革、地方自治與國民中小學行政關係之探究 The Relationships among Educational Reform, Local Self-government and School Administration in Taiwan |
55 |
王光明、吳和堂、吳明隆 高雄市立國民小學學校評鑑指標再建構 The Reconstruction of Evaluation Indicators for Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung City |
75 |
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莊雅茹、洪嘉玟、蔡慧貞 國民中小學校園數位落差指標建構之研究 Developing Digital Divide Indicators for Elementary and Secondary Schools |
2 |
丁崇寶、吳和堂 高雄市國小學校評鑑與教學效能關係之研究—以教學實施領域為例 A Study on Relationship between School Evaluation and Teaching Effectiveness in the Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung City – An Example of Teaching Practice as Example |
28 |
吳慧君、鄭彩鳳 卓越醫學大學校務行政導入ISO品保系統之分析與省思 Analysis and Reflection on Quality of School Administrative Management in Accordance with ISO Series Standards: An example of a Medical University |
50 |
何修仁、畢威寧 田口損失函數結合層級分析法應用於大學系所圖儀設備績效自評模式建構之研究 Performance Evaluation of Taguchi Loss Function and Analytical Hierarchy Process as Applied in University Department and Institute Facilities |
74 |
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國民教育課程政策評鑑之探究陳麗珠 An Inquiry of the Evaluation of Curriculum Policy in Compulsory Education |
1 |
張奕華、許丞芳 國民中小學校長科技領導指標建構之研究 The Construction of Performance Criteria for Technology Leadership of Elementary and Secondary School Principals |
23 |
梅文慧 倫理決定模式在學校行政應用之個案研究-以一個國小案例之初步分析 A Case Study of Ethical Decisions on School Administrations – Primitive Analysis of An Elementary School |
49 |
張良丞、王保進 荷蘭高等教育評鑑機制之評析與啟示 The Review of the Higher Education Evaluation System in the Netherlands |
71 |
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大學教學卓越計畫執行之研究孫志麟、計智豪 Implementing the University Teaching Excellence Program |
1 |
葉連祺 大學教學品質、品牌管理與品牌效應之關係 The Relationship among Teaching Quality, Brand Management and Brand Effects in University |
23 |
范熾文、陳嬿竹 臺北縣國民中學教師知識管理能力與教學品質關係之研究 A Study of the Relationship between Junior High School Teachers’ Knowledge Management Capability and Teaching Quality in Taipei County |
53 |
譚以敬、吳清山 臺北市弱勢學生教育政策的現況及其未來因應措施之研究 The Study on the Policy for Disadvantaged Students and Its Coping Measures in Taipei City |
77 |
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優質學校品質管理指標與績效管理指標適配度之研究 楊念湘、陳木金 A Study of the Fitness among Indicators of Quality Management and Performance Management for Quality School |
1 |
張文權、范熾文、張臺隆 彰化縣國民小學校長知識領導與學校競爭優勢關係之研究 The Study on Relationship between Principals’ Knowledge Leadership and School Competitive Advantage of Elementary Schools in Changhua County |
27 |
林雍智 教育的自治、分權與學校經營改革─日本案例評析及對我國之啟示 Autonomy, Decentralization, and School Management Reform in Education: An Analysis of Japan Case |
59 |
閻自安 大學院校教學中心支援服務之需求評估調查研究:以藝術類大學師生的觀點 A Survey for the Service Needs of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Taipei National University of the Arts |
81 |
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國民中小學學校行政人員研究所在職進修成效評鑑之研究:Kirkpatrick評估模式之應用 蔡進雄 A Study of Evaluation of Inservice Education of School Administrators in Graduate School: The Application of Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation |
1 |
葉連祺 國小校長情緒智慧領導能力與學校教育人員情緒智慧關係之分析 The Relationship between Principal’s Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Competence and Educator’s Emotional Intelligence in Elementary Schools |
27 |
丁一顧、張德銳 臺北市教學導師教師領導與專業學習社群關係之研究 The Relationship between Teacher Leadership of Mentor Teachers and Professional Learning Community in Taipei City |
55 |
陳建志、王妍壹 校長領導行為與學校組織執行力之相關性研究 A Study on the Relationship Effect between Principals’ Leadership Behavior and School Organization Execution |
85 |
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國民小學校長科技領導、知識管理與學校效能結構關係之驗證 張奕華、吳怡佳 The Verification of a Structural Equation Model on Principal Technology Leadership, Knowledge Management, and School Effectiveness in Elementary Schools |
1 |
高麗鳳、吳清山 教育評鑑人員專業化指標之建構及其實證研究:以臺北市國民中小學教育評鑑人員為例 The Study on Application and Construction of the Professionalization Indicators for Educational Evaluators in Public Elementary and Junior High Schools |
29 |
謝傳崇、劉佳賢 國民中小學智慧資本與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 A Study of the Relationships between School Intellectual Capital and Effectiveness of School Innovation Management |
63 |
張素貞、吳俊憲 教師專業發展評鑑與教學精進之個案研究 A Case Study on Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development and Teaching Enhancement |
89 |
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中小學教師文化與教師領導之關係研究——以臺北市98學年度參與教學輔導教師制度學校為例 張德銳、蘇玲慧、張素偵 The Relationship between Teacher Culture and Teacher Leadership in Elementary and Secondary Schools: The Case of Participating Schools of Mentor Teacher Program in the 2009~2010 Academic Year in Taipei |
1 |
張素貞、吳俊憲 師資培育職前教育課程評鑑之研究——以特殊教育導論為例 The Study of Pre-service Educational Curriculum Evaluation of Teacher Education |
29 |
丁一顧 桃園縣國民小學校長領導能力狀況調查之研究 A Study of Leadership Competence for Elementary School Principals in Taoyuan County |
59 |
張裕弘、吳淑鈴 國小內部行銷對教師教學效能關係之研究——跨層次分析模式的檢驗 The Effect of Internal Marketing on Teachers' Teaching Effectiveness in Elementary Schools: Testing the Cross-Level Model |
87 |
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從教育實習內涵探討國民小學各學習領域教學輔導推動之研究 A Study on Implementation of Curriculum Teaching and Mentoring in the Elementary Schools: From the Point of Education Practicum Implication |
1 |
胡倩瑜 「動態循環課程規劃模式」應用在大專「學生學習成果本位評估模式」實踐課程之行動研究 Using Tuning Process Model Combined with Students’ Learning Outcomes-based Assessment Model for Action Research of Practical Courses |
27 |
顏弘欽 教師知覺組織支持、組織承諾與組織公民行為之關聯性 The Relationship among Teachers’ Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
59 |
郭淑芳 我國師資培育制度回顧與展望 Retrospect and Prospect of Teacher Education System in Taiwan |
91 |
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國民小學校長創新領導與組織績效關係之研究:以北部縣市為例 范熾文、謝月香 The Relationship between Principals’ Innovational Leadership and School Organizational Performance in Elementary Schools in Northern Taiwan |
1 |
謝傳崇、呂浚瑀、曾文鑑 國民小學校長正向領導、團隊情感氛圍與組織創新能力關係之研究 The Relationship among Principal Positive Leadership, Group Affective Tone and Organizational Innovation Capability in Elementary Schools |
29 |
郭昭佑、陳美如 評鑑信任初探——校務評鑑制度專業化之可行策略 The Study for Trust of Evaluation: A Feasible Method for Specialization of the School Evaluation System |
59 |
張德銳 中小學教學輔導教師彰權益能之運作與發展 The Implementation and Development of Teacher Empowerment in Mentor Teacher Program |
83 |
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張德銳、張素偵 臺北市中小學教師領導運作、影響因素、成效與困境之研究——以教學輔導教師為例 Teacher Leadership Operation and Its Influencing Factors, Effects and Difficulties in Taipei Elementary and Secondary Schools: Taking Mentor Teachers as Examples |
1 |
王彥方、林信耀、王保進 100年度大學校務評鑑結果研究:質與量的重要性分析 University Evaluation in Taiwan: The Importance of Qualitative Elements and Quantitative Indicators |
31 |
黃嘉莉 我國師資培育評鑑之研究:品質保證的觀點 Teacher Education Evaluation in Taiwan: The Perspective from Quality Assurance |
57 |
紀家雄、陳木金、張秀瑩 校長讀書會模式的團隊學習指標建構之研究 A Study of Constructing Team Learning Indicators for Principals’ Reading Club Model |
85 |
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耶穌基督的服務領導及其對教學輔導教師制度的啟示 張德銳 Jesus Christ’s Servant-Leadership and Its Inspirations to the Mentor Teacher Program in Taiwan |
1 |
丁一顧、莊念青、林信耀 臺北市國小專業發展學校遴選指標建構之研究 The Construction of Indicators for Primary Professional Development Schools in Taipei City |
27 |
林劭仁 教育評鑑人員創意特質與培訓策略之研究 A Study of the Creative Personalities of Evaluators and Cultivating Strategies |
43 |
于承平、林俞均 歐洲職業教育與訓練教育品質保證制度探討與啟示 Discussion and Reflection on the Quality Assurance of Vocational Education and Training Education in Europe |
65 |
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影響三大世界大學排名系統關鍵指標之研究 王保進、翁嘉嶸 A Study on Influential Critical Indicators of three World University Ranking Systems |
1 |
王美齡、曾淑惠 評鑑圖像再進化─評鑑理論樹的開展與成長 Evolution of the Evaluation Imange-the Development and Growth of the Evaluation Theory Tree |
45 |
鄭淑惠 國民中小學校務經營中的自我評鑑現況研究 Current Situation of Self-Evalution in School Management:A Study on Elementary and Junior High Schools |
67 |
潘同泰 國民小學校務評鑑報告運用之研究 School Evalution Reports in Elementary Schools:A Learning Organization Perspective |
87 |
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國民中學校長關係領導與教師希望感相關之研究 謝傳崇、賴協志、陳文忠、張杏瑜 A Study on the Relationships between Principals’ Relational Leadership and Teachers’ Hopes in Junior High Schools |
1 |
蔡進雄 國民中小學校長不當督導影響主任對校長信任及幸福感之研究 A Study on the Impact of Principals’ Abusive Supervision on Directors’ Trust in Principals and Well-being in Elementary and Junior High Schools |
25 |
林和春 國中小校長正向特質與領導效能感關係之研究―以桃園市為例 A Study on the Correlation between School Principals’Positive Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness:Exemplified by Elementary and Junior High School Principals in Taoyuan City |
57 |
阮光勛 一所學校教師會的興與衰:教師為何加入?為何退出? The Rise and Fall of a School-Teacher Association: Why Teachers Join or Leave? |
83 |
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張德銳 以教學輔導教師制度促進學習共同體的實踐 Facilitating the Development of Learning Community by the Mentor Teacher Program |
1 |
楊慶麟 分布式領導、完全領導、家長式領導與學校效能關係之研究:以教師組織公民行為為中介 A Study of the Relationships between Distributed Leadership, Total Leadership, Paternalistic Leadership and School Effectiveness: Using Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a Mediator |
17 |
賴志峰 國民小學校長幸福感量表之建構 Development and Validation of Elementary School Principals’ Well-being Scale |
41 |
黃建翔、蔡明學 影響高中職學生學習成就關鍵因素之研究 The Study of Key Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Senior High School Students |
73 |
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我國教育政策智庫之定位與角色分析:以國家教育研究院為例 陳榮政、劉品萱 The Role and Identity of Educational Policy Think Tank in Taiwan: A Case Study of National Academy for Educational Research |
1 |
彭耀平 課程分析分流實施與學生學習成效間關聯性之研究 Impact of Implementation of Curriculm Specialization on Student Learning Outcomes: Evidence from a Northen Private University |
27 |
江惠真 弱勢扶助政策—高級中等學校技職學生邁向成功的機會弱勢扶助政策—高級中等學校技職學生邁向成功的機會 Policy of Disadvantaged Students Supporting-Access to Success for Vocational School Students |
51 |
王美齡 尋"根"之旅—評鑑理論樹根源探究 A Trip to Roots-Study on the Roots of Evaluation Theory Tree |
77 |
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吳清山 素養導向教育的理念與實踐 The Ideas and Implementation of Competency-Based Education |
1 |
張德銳 發展性視導及其在教師專業發展評鑑上的應用 Developmental Supervision and Its Applications to Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development |
25 |
林海清 臺中市國民中小學校務評鑑後設分析 A Meta Analysis on School Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taichung City |
43 |
王娜玲、張國保 中國大陸建設世界一流大學政策之探究與啟示 Policy on Establishing World Class Universities in Mainland China and its Implications for Taiwan |
75 |
林雍智 書評:證據本位導向的學力經濟學 Book Review: The “Evidence-Based” Oriented Economics of Academic Performance |
99 |
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曾大千、陳盈宏 大學限年升等條款運作情形之研究:以教育學門為例 Academic Promotion within a Time Limit in Taiwan Universities: A Case of the Education Field |
23 |
張奕華、林光媚 臺北市國民小學智慧校園指標及權重體系建構之研究 A Research on the Indicators and Weigh System Construction for Smarter Campus of Taipei City Elementary Schools |
49 |
吳鳳嬌 國民小學新進教師導入社群建構專業素養之探究 A Study on Constructing Professionalism for New Teachers through School Community |
81 |
江姮姬 中小學教師專業發展評鑑規準修訂之研究 A Study of Revised Criteria of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development |
105 |
謝紫菱 書評:從學生學習看高等教育:評《美國大學生:特徵、經驗與結果》 Book Review: “College Students in the United States: Characteristics, Experiences and Outcomes” |
111 |
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臺北市國中教學輔導教師之教師領導成效與困境之個案研究 張德銳、張素偵 A Case Study of the Results and Difficulties of Teacher Leadership of Mentor Teachers in a Junior High School |
1 |
張文權、陳成宏、范熾文 學校行政人員霸凌行為概念模式與影響因素之研究 The Construction of Conceptual Model and Influential Factors of School Administrators’ Bullying Behaviors |
47 |
賴協志 國民中學適性教育指標建構及其成效評估之研究 A Study on the Construction of Indicators and Effectiveness Evaluation of Adaptive Education in Junior High Schools |
85 |
黃建翔、石淑旻、蔡明學 臺北市國小校長創新領導與教師專業學習社群關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship Between Principals’ Innovative Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Learning Community in Taipei City |
119 |
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呂秀卿 吳清山 國民中學教師績效責任指標之建構 A Study on the Construction of Indicators of Teacher Accountability of Junior High Schools |
1 |
劉春榮、虞志長、賴志宏、張志毓、郭瑞芬、梁靜珊、郭基信 臺北市國民小學校務行政工作困擾與減量研究 A Study of School Administrative Distresses and Reduction in Elementary Schools, Taipei. |
37 |
張德銳 教練式領導的意涵及其在教師專業學習社群的應用 Coaching-based Leadership and its Application for Teacher Professional Learning Community |
97 |
王令宜 我國都會地區國民小學階段弱勢學生校外補習之研究 A Study on Cram Schooling of Disadvantaged Students in Taiwan Urban Elementary Schools |
121 |
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賴志峰/Chih-Feng Lai 國民小學校長凝聚力領導之研究 The Study of the Coherent Leadership Experience of Elementary School Principals |
1 |
孫良誠/Liang-Chen Sun 教保服務人員教學專業表現量表編製研究 The Study of Developing an Evaluation Scale of Teaching Professional Performance for Preschool Educators |
35 |
謝紫菱、曾羽/Tzu-Ling Hsieh & Yu Tseng 公立幼兒園教師領導與專業認同關係之研究 The Relationship between Teacher Leadership and Teacher Professional Identity for Public Preschool Teachers |
67 |
林雍智/Yung-Chih Lin 書評:世界各國的中小學校長培育體系 Book Review: 世界の学校管理職養成:校長を養成する方法 |
93 |
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張德銳/Derray Chang
從教師領導觀點論研究教師的角色職責與支持系統 The Roles, Responsibilities and Support System of the Research Teacher: From the Teacher Leadership Viewpoint |
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范熾文、阮瑋飴/Chih-Wen Fan & Wei-Yi Juan 國民中學校長真誠領導之個案研究 A Case Study on Principals’ Authentic Leadership in Junior High School |
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張奕華、胡瓊之/I-Hua Chang & Chiung-Chih Hu 校長科技領導對學校創新經營之影響:教師專業學習社群的中介效果分析 The Mediating Effect of Teachers’ Learning Community on the Relationship between Principals’ Technology Leadership and Innovation Management of Junior High Schools |
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蘇玲慧/Ling-Hui Su 復原力與幸福感關係研究之後設分析 Meta-Analysis on the Research of Relationships between Resilience and Well-being |
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作者/篇名 | 頁碼 |
吳清山/Ching-Shan Wu 新冠肺炎疫情時代教育治理之探究 A Study on the Education Governance During Coronavirus Disease 2019 |
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林信志、阮孝齊、簡瑋成/Hsin-Chih Lin, Hsiao-Chi Juan, Wei-Cheng Chien 從自我決定理論探究影響高職學生多元入學態度因素之研究 Exploring Factors Affecting the Attitude of Vocational Students towards Multiple Programs for College Entrance from Self-Determination Theory |
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張熒書/Ying-Shu Chang 公立中小學教師人事成本國際比較 On Public School Teachers’ Compensation Costs: An International Comparison |
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宋承恩、陳榮政/Chen-En Sung & Robin Jung-Cheng Chen 公立實驗教育學校家長選擇權與滿意度調查研究 A Study of School Choice and Satisfaction Survey of School-Based Experimental Education |
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