





高級中等學校教師正向領導、專業學習社群與學生學習成效關係之研究:參與教師專業發展實踐方案者之觀點  [詳全文]

作者: 賴協志、顏慶祥


本研究旨在從參與教師專業發展實踐方案者之觀點探討高級中等學校教師正向領導、專業學習社群與學生學習成效之現況與關係,並且運用中介效果模式,分析三者之間的關聯性。為達成上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區120 所高級中等學校之參與教師專業發展實踐方案的876 位教師為樣本,運用積差相關和結構方程模式等進行統計分析;研究結論顯示:參與教師專業發展實踐方案的高級中等學校教師認為教師正向領導層面在「強化溝通互動」、專業學習社群層面在「分享教學實務」、學生學習成效層面在「學生行為表現」的得分相對較佳;教師正向領導、專業學習社群與學生學習成效彼此之間具有密切關係;教師正向領導會透過整體專業學習社群之中介作用,正面影響學生學習成效。







Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2020, Vol. 28

A Study on the Relationships among Teachers’ Positive Leadership,

Professional Learning Communities, and Student Learning Effectiveness in Senior and Vocational High Schools: The Views

of Teachers Participating in Professional Development Programs

Author : Hsieh-Chih Lai & Chin-Hsiang Yen

Vol.&No. No. 28
DateDecember 2020

The main objectives of the study are to explore the current circumstances regarding teachers’ positive leadership, professional learning communities, and student learning effectiveness in senior and vocational high schools from the views of teachers participating in professional development programs, and to analyze the relationships between these three variables by using a mediated effects model. To achieve these objectives, this study adopted a questionnaire survey. The sample comprised of 876 teachers participating in a professional development program from 120 senior and vocational high schools in Taiwan. The study used product- moment correlation and structural equation modeling to carry out statistical analysis. The conclusions indicated the following: Performance was low relatively in the dimensions of “doing emotional management well” pertaining to teachers’ positive leadership, “school support situation” regarding professional learning communities, and “student academic achievement” with regard to student learning effectiveness. The correlations among these three variables were found, and the relationship was close. Tested by mediated-effects model, it was found that teachers’ positive leadership has significant indirect effects on student learning effectiveness mediated by professional learning communities.

Keywordsteachers’ positive leadership, professional learning communities, student learning effectiveness, practice program for professional development