期刊目錄列表-第二十七期索引【教育評鑑研究期刊】(109年6月出版) |
公立中小學教師人事成本國際比較 [詳全文] 作者: 張熒書 |
刊期:第27期 |
摘要: 關鍵詞:教師人事成本、教師待遇、教師員額編制、教師人力資源、教育財政 |
Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2020, Vol. 27 |
On Public School Teachers’ Compensation An International Comparison Author : Ying-Shu Chang |
Vol.&No.: No. 27 |
Abstract: This study aims to make an international comparison of public secondary and elementary school teachers’ compensation between the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries and Taiwan, China (at both national and Beijing level), Hong Kong, Macao (including private schools), and Singapore. Data from “Education at a glance 2019 OECD indicators” and government figures of the above five Chinese-speaking countries/regions are calculated and analyzed for comparison. Teachers’ base salaries in the school year 2016/17 (or 2017), relations between staff salaries and educational expenditures in FY 2016, and salary cost of teachers per student (teachers’ base salaries, in-class time for students, teaching time for teachers, estimated class sizes, and student/teacher ratios) are applied to scrutinize the changes in teachers’ compensation and their influence on education finance, with/without GDP per capita involved. Finally, the author provide some policy recommendations based on the analysis. Keywords:salary/compensation cost of teachers, teachers’ salary/compensation, teaching staff establishment, human resources in education, education financee |