


國民小學校長凝聚力領導之研究  [詳全文]

作者:  賴志峰


凝聚力領導是指領導者能夠形塑合作及信任的文化,運用有效的人際溝通和對話方式,凝聚成員向心力,激勵成員進行深度學習,促進組織變革與發展,負起績效責任,達成組織成效和共同的目標。校長凝聚力領導是教育領導重要的研究課題,本研究選擇臺灣地區14位國民小學校長,採取深度訪談進行資料蒐集。本研究發現:1. 校長採取審時度勢及循序漸進的方式,形塑及設定學校發展方向、價值認同與特色;2. 校長採取正向激勵的領導作為,形塑教師合作的文化及集體智慧;3. 校長引導教師主動自發的學習,提供學生多樣的學習環境;4. 教育的績效難以立竿見影,校長較能要求行政團隊的績效,教學績效側重循循善誘。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2019, Vol. 25

The Study of the Coherent Leadership Experience of Elementary School Principals

Author : Chih-Feng Lai

Vol.&No. No. 25
DateJune 2019

Coherent leadership refers to the ability of leaders to shape a culture of cooperation and trust. By integrating effective interpersonal communication and dialogue, leaders unite school members’ centripetal force, encourage them to conduct deep learning for the promotion of the organization’s change and development, and make them responsible for their performance in order to achieve the organization’s effectiveness and common goals. Principals’ coherent leadership is an important research topic for educational leadership. This study selected 14 public elementary school principals in Taiwan and conducted in-depth interviews to collect data. The study found that: (1) the principals adopt a time-based and step-by-step approach to shape and set the direction, value identity, and characteristics of their schools’ development; (2) the principals use positively motivated leadership to shape a culture of teachers’ cooperation and collective wisdom; (3) the principals guide the teachers to take the initiative at selflearning and provide students with a diverse learning environment; and (4) it is difficult to get instant results of education performance through principals’ requirements of the executive team’s performance and teaching performance that is focused on systematic instruction.

Keywords educational leadership, principalship, principals’ coherent leadership