


教保服務人員教學專業表現量表編製研究  [詳全文]

作者:  孫良誠


本研究主要目的在建構教保服務人員教學專業表現量表,並分析其信度及效度。首先藉由文獻分析彙整出教保服務人員教學專業表現的內涵,並依據AITSL 提出的專業知識、專業實踐、專業參與三個領域,歸納出九層面及32 項專業表現觀察變項。其次邀請13 位幼兒教育學者及專家審查量表內容的適切性並修正為三領域- 九層面-27項專業表現題項,再編製成預試問卷,並以218 份有效回收的預試問卷進行項目分析與探索性因素分析,經分析結果並未修正量表的架構與內容。其次進行正式問卷調查,共計回收856 份有效問卷,有效回收率69.54%。經驗證性因素分析發現九個層面的組合信度介於.782.905,三個領域的組合信度介於.918 .950 間,經二階驗證性因素分析檢驗整體模式有良好的適配情形,顯示本研究建構的量表具有不錯的信度與效度。最後依據研究結果提出實務與後續研究之建議。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2019, Vol. 25

The Study of Developing an Evaluation Scale of Teaching Professional Performance for Preschool Educators

Author : Liang-Chen Sun

Vol.&No. No. 25
DateJune 2019

The purpose of this study was to construct validity of an instrument to evaluate on teaching professional performance for preschool educators. First, through literature review, a research framework and content of the evaluation scale were constructed. Based on the three dimensions of professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement developed by AITSL, nine elements and 32 professional performance question items were summarized. Secondly, 13 early childhood education scholars and experts were invited to review and revise the evaluation scale into three dimensions, nine elements and twenty-seven professional performance items. These items were then compiled into a preliminary questionnaire. 218 valid responses were collected and conducted item analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The result of the analysis did not correct the structure and the content of the evaluation. Thirdly, a formal questionnaire survey was conducted, and a total of 856 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 69.54%. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) the component reliability of three dimensions was between .918 and .95, nine elements were between .782 and .905. The second-order-CFA analysis showed the overall model has a good fit. (2) the evaluation scale of teaching professional performance for preschool educators constructed in this study has good reliability and validity. Finally, a number of practical and follow-up research recommendations were made.

Keywords preschool educators; teaching professional performance; structural

equation model