


中國大陸建設世界一流大學政策之探究與啟示 [詳全文]

作者:  王娜玲、張國保


在知識經濟掛帥的21 世紀,高等教育表現是國家競爭力評比的重要指標之一,為了使國家有較多大學在全球大學排名中名列前茅,建設「世界一流大學」,成為各國高等教育發展最重要的任務,中國大陸亦如此。本研究透過文獻分析,深入大陸為提供經濟社會轉型所需的多元一流人才,政策性導引菁英大學朝向「世界一流大學」發展,並發現其政策表現聚焦在四個向度:卓越人才培養與延攬、自主創新能力、特色競爭力、產學整合與創新。本文據以論述後,提出大陸建設世界一流大學政策之啟示有五個重點:建置國際人才團隊;整合與共享;全球爭取拔尖學生;分類管理、特色發展;產學鏈結,創新加速。這些方向可作為我國政府與大學在兩岸高等教育交流、互動與競爭之良性參酌。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2017, Vol. 21

Policy on Establishing World Class Universities in Mainland China and its Implications for Taiwan

Author : No-Ling Wang, Kuo-Pao Chang

Vol.&No. No. 21
DateJune 2017

In the 21st century, where economic development is highly dependent on knowledge and education, performance in higher education is a significant indicator and evaluation item of national competitive capability. Many countries have built world class universities, which symbolize an important national educational initiative, so that the universities can be ranked within the world’s top institutions. China is one such country.

After an extensive literature survey, we explored the world class university policy in China which is expected to nurture elite and diverse talent necessary for China’s economic and social transformation. Results showed that this policy focuses on four dimensions: cultivation and recruitment of talent, self- innovation capability, characteristic competitiveness, and industry-academia integration and innovation.

Additionally, we proposed revelations regarding China’s establishment of its world class university policy, which can be used as a reference for Taiwan’s overnment and universities. Based on our results, we propose that China’s policy of establishing world-class universities has five important revelations. They are building a team of international talent, integrating and sharing resources, seeking top students from across the world, managing classification and developing individuality, and linking industry-academic cooperation to speed up innovation. These dimensions can erve as positive references when our government and universities are participating in cross-strait higher education exchange, interactions and competition.

Keywordsmainland China, world class university, talent cultivation, higher education