


臺北市中小學教師領導運作、影響因素、成效與困境之研究——以教學輔導教師為例 [詳全文]

作者:  張德銳、張素偵


臺北市中小學教學輔導教師制度自民國90 年開始推動,即選拔資深優良教師以培植其教師領導方面的能量,企圖發揮基層教師參與教育改革的力量。教學輔導教師具體實踐教師領導的理念,亦即超越教師所屬教室去發揮自己的能力及承諾,因此本研究從臺北市中小學中選出曾經擔任過教學輔導教師的16 位優質教師,以訪談法深入了解教師領導的運作、影響因素、成效與困境,希冀從中發現其成功的經驗。綜合研究結果,獲致重要結論如下:一,成功的教師領導,有賴行政正確的態度與全力的支持、教師領導者適切的領導方式、以及願意配合之被領導教師三方之共同合作;二,教師領導的困境在於與夥伴教師配對不當、同仁抗拒新增工作、工作負擔加重及時間不足等。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2013, Vol. 15

Teacher Leadership Operation and Its Influencing Factors, Effects and Difficulties in Taipei Elementary and Secondary Schools: Taking Mentor Teachers as Examples

Author : Derray Chang, Su-Chen Chang

Vol.&No. No. 15
DateJune 2013

The mentor teacher program in Taipei was enacted based on the concept of teacher leadership in 2001. The purposes of this program are to cultivate outstanding teachers with teacher leading capacities, and to develop the power of teachers participating in educational reform. The mentor teacher put the concept of teacher leadership into practice, that is, to extend his talent and promise beyond his classroom. For this reason, this study adopts a qualitative approach to collect data by interviewing 16 mentor teachers in Taipei elementary and secondary schools. Its aim is to understand teacher leadership operations and its influencing factors, effects and difficulties, and to address their successful experiences. According to the results, this study finds the following conclusions: (1)Successful teacher leadership relies on the cooperation of administrative units, teacher leaders, and the partner teachers. (2)The difficulties of teacher leadership are the inappropriate pairing of mentor teacher and partner teacher, teachers rejecting the increased workload, heavy workloads, and insufficient time.

Keywords teacher leadership, mentor teacher, constructivist leadership, recasting leadership, professional learning community