


校長讀書會模式的團隊學習指標建構之研究 [詳全文]

作者:  紀家雄、陳木金、張秀瑩


校長讀書會是近年國內校長團體中蓬勃發展的一種專業學習社群,藉由定期聚會分享校務經營及經驗傳承。為深入探討其運作,本研究嘗試建構「校長讀書會模式的團隊學習指標」,首先經由文獻分析發展出45 個指標,抽樣112 位校長做為預試對象,進行指標之決斷值分析、探索性因素分析及信度分析後,初步建構5 大向度共34 個指標包括:績效滿意(8 個指標)、責任義務(7 個指標)、目標承諾(8 個指標)、一般承諾(5 個指標)、互補技能(6 個指標)。其次,再抽樣227 位校長進行驗證分析,發現在整體適配度、比較適配度、精簡適配度、基本適配度及內在適配度皆良好,顯示本研究建構之指標佳。最後,為了解「有」、「無」參加校長讀書會之團隊學習表現差異,進行t 考驗分析,發現有參加校長讀書會者,明顯高於無參加者。由此可看出參加校長讀書會對於校長團隊學習具有顯著成效,值得做為我國校長專業發展的參考。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2013, Vol. 15

A Study of Constructing Team Learning Indicators for Principals’ Reading Club Model

Author : Chia-Hsiung Chi, Mu-Jin Chen, Hsiu-Ying Chang

Vol.&No. No. 15
DateJune 2013

The Principals’ Book Club is a popular form of principals’ professional learning community. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits of principals’ book club and construct team learning indicators for principals’ book club consisting of five dimensions: (1)Team performance and satisfaction, (2)accountability, (3)commitment to purpose, (4)commitment to a common approach, and (5)complementary skills. A total of 227 principals in public elementary schools from northern Taiwan were involved in this study. Statistical methods and confirmatory factor analysis were adopted to analyze collected data. The main findings are as follows: (1)According to critical ratio analysis, the item discrimination is good. (2)The Cronbach α analysis shows good reliability. (3)The fit indexes such as SRMR, NFI, NNFI, CFI, IFI, PNFI, R2 all show good suitability and fitness of the dimensions and items. (4)The participation of principals' book club led to significant improvements in team learning effectiveness. We conclude that principals’ reading club is an effective tool in professional development for principals.

Keywords principals’ book club, team learning indicator, professional learning community