






情緒智慧(EI)和情緒智慧領導能力(EILC)是可重視的教育領導研究焦點,探討校長EILC 和學校教育人員EI 的關係,利於推展情緒智慧領導和情緒智慧管理。本研究以Goleman 理論自編量表,調查540 位學校教育人員自評和他評對校長EILC、主任和教師EI 的知覺,分析其差異性、一致性、關聯性、影響關係、影響關係模式。結果顯示三類人員對層面知覺無差異,對主任EI 向度和項目知覺的差異最大,對校長EILC 則差異小。自評知覺關聯高於他評知覺,校長和主任知覺相關最高,校長和教師則最低。又主任他評校長的EILC 產生最大影響力,校長他評教師的EI 影響力則最小。成立四組影響關係:主任EI 影響教師EI、校長EILC 影響主任EI 和教師EI、教師EI 影響主任EI、教師EI 影響校長EILC 和主任EI。且校長EILC 權重大,教師EI 最小,社會察覺層面權重最大,自我管理層面最小。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2010, Vol. 10

The Relationship between Principal’s Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Competence and Educator’s Emotional Intelligence in Elementary Schools

Author : Lain-Chyi Yeh

Vol.&No. No. 10
Date December 2010

Both emotional intelligence (EI) and emotionally intelligent leadership competence (EILC) are notable topics in educational leadership. To discuss the relationship between principals’ emotionally intelligent leadership competence and educator’s emotional intelligence is useful in promoting emotionally intelligent leadership and emotional intelligent management in elementary schools. According to Goleman’s theory, one self-made questionnaire was conducted to survey 540 principals, directors and teachers to understand their perception by self-rating and others-rating. The educators’ perceptions of difference, congruity, relevance, influential relationship, and causal model were analyzed. The results indicated that there is no difference in whole facets of perception among educators. In domains and items, the difference in directors’ EI is largest, but the difference in principals’ EILC is smallest. The correlations of perceptions by self-rating were higher than perceptions by others-rating. The correlations between principal’s EILC and director’s EI are highest, but the correlations between principal’s EILC and teacher’s EI are smallest. Director rated principal produced the larger influence, but principal rated teacher produced the smallest influence. Moreover, four influential relationships were confirmed, which includes director’s EI influenced teacher’s EI, principal’s EILC influenced both director’s EI and teacher’s EI, teacher’s EI influenced director’s EI, and teacher’s EI influenced both principal’s EILC and director’s EI. The weights in principal’s EILC and “social awareness” facet are the largest, but the weights in teacher’s EI and
self-management” facet are the smallest.

Keywords analytic network process, emotional intelligence, emotionally intelligent leadership, principalship