The purpose of this research is to develop performance criteria and their associated priority weights for technology leadership [TL] of elementary and secondary school principals in Taiwan. Following the Delphi method, thirteen experts, including researchers in TL and elementary school administrators who had experience in promoting and implementing technology in education, were selected to answer questionnaires to develop the performance criteria. As a result, seven principal performance criteria for TL were determined, associated with in total forty attributes (sub-criteria). Based on the determined performance criteria and attributes, further surveys were conducted, in conjunction with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), to determine the priority weight for each performance criterion and attribute. The performance criteria, in their order of importance, are (1) long term vision of TL development; (2) quality training for non-technical school staff in using technology; (3) provision of technical support; (4) integration of information technology in education; (5) interpersonal communication skill in promoting TL; (6) performance evaluation of school staff in adopting technology for teaching; and (7) addressing law and ethics for technology. Based on the findings, the author proposes specific suggestions that can be adopted by school principals and school authorities to promote effective use of technology in education.
Keywords:elementary and secondary school principal, technology leadership, criteria