


卓越醫學大學校務行政導入ISO 品保系統之分析與省思 [詳全文]



近年來積極的推動ISO 機制於品質管理,儼然已成為一種趨勢與潮流,許多機構將此項國際性品質管理系列標準,奉為圭臬。而大專校院為了提昇校務行政暨教育服務品質及效率,亦紛紛導入ISO 品質保證制度,冀望透由ISO 的認證以獲得優質校務行政管理與服務品質的肯定。本文係以卓越醫學大學(匿名)校務行政系統導入ISO9001:2000 國際品管保證標準制度為例,藉由個案SWOT 分析、推動ISO 的作法與過程的論述,進而對ISO 品保制度與議題進行省思與討論。本文最後提出具實務價值之研究發現如下:ISO 在學校的應用可提昇校務行政管理績效;發揮適當且具彈性的行政人力資源運作;透過ISO 內外部品質稽核,可發現並改善管理問題;應用ISO 標準機制可持續改進行政品質等價值;此外,在推行的過程中,宜破除ISO 的應用迷思,及降低成員對ISO 系統認知的落差,以作為學校彰顯與提昇教育服務品質之參考。

關鍵詞:國際標準組織、高等教育、品質保證、個案研究、ISO 9000 品保系列



Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2008, Vol. 6

Analysis and Reflection on Quality of School Administrative Management in Accordance with ISO Series Standards: An example of a Medical University

Author : Huei-Chun Wu, Tsai-Feng Cheng

Vol.&No. No. 6
Date December 2008

The mechanism of ISO series standardized quality systems has been applied positively in any kind of organizations to the quality management these years, and without any doubt, it has become a trend all over the world; therefore, the ISO series of standards were regarded as a paragon by lots of firms. In accordance with the certification of ISO standards, it’s the identification of high-qualified management and service. Many colleges and universities tried to implement ISO 9000 quality management systems for improving the good quality and effectiveness of school administration management and educational services. This study was to realize a medical university that carried out the certification process to ISO 9001:2000 by the analysis of SWOT, and the discussion of ISO implementation. Finally the research findings would be provided as below: to promote the effectiveness of school administration by the application of ISO; to execute the operation of human resources with adequacy and flexibility; to find out the problems of management by means of ISO 9001:2000 recertification audit; and to improve the administrative quality by applying ISO series of standards as well. Besides, to reduce not only the ISO myth, but also the differences of employees’ conception of ISO would be very important conditions for schools to strengthen the good quality services during the process of ISO implementation.

KeywordsISO, higher education, quality assurance, case study, ISO 9000 series of standards