


以智慧走察提升教師專業發展的理念與實踐策略 [詳全文]

作者:  黃旭鈞


教室走察(Classroom Walkthrough)的理念與模式,是近來新興的課程教學領導的方法,藉由走察的推動與實施,除了增加學校行政與教師間的專業互動外,也希望透過走察,讓校長更能展現課程教學領導的具體作為,帶領教師持續進行專業發展,進而對學生學習能產生正面的影響。走察的推動對於全校性教與學的精進提升有其重要性與必要性,結合資訊科技、資料數據、資源整合的智慧教育理念,教室走察也朝向連結資訊科技的方向發展,開始在一般教室走察推動的既有基礎上,結合行動裝置與載具的行動性、App應用軟體觀察與資料紀錄的便利性、雲端資料系統平臺的省思對話互動性,透過走察資料的分析整理與應用整合性,強化整個學校組織的智慧,因而逐漸發展「智慧走察」(Intelligent Walkthrough, IWT)的理念與實務。本文的主要目的在探討如何善用智慧走察的理念,提出促進教師專業發展的實踐策略。首先介紹智慧走察的理念與意義,其次,分析智慧走察的理論基礎,提供智慧走察理論的支持;第三,介紹走察App 開發與系統平臺的建置,探究其功能與效益;第四,根據實務推動的初步成果,提出應用智慧走察提升教師專業的實踐策略;最後綜合提出相關的結語。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2017, Vol. 22

The Idea and Effective Strategies of Using Intelligent Walkthrough to Enhance Teachers' Professional Development

Author : Hsu-Chun Huang

Vol.&No. No. 22
DateDecember 2017

Classroom Walkthrough (CWT) is an emerging tool and practice using for school educators to observe teaching and learning in the classrooms. CWT is also a practical curriculum and instructional leadership which school leaders can administer to increase professional interaction and development with teachers. Based on the ordinary CWT principles and practices, combining with the ICT and mobile devices, designing the CWT App, and connecting the development of CWT platform, cloud and databases system. The idea and practice of intelligent Walkthrough (IWT) was created to help practical teaching and learning data collection, accumulation and analysis to offer constructive information for teachers' professional development. For the purposes of this article, the author firstly introduced the concept and definition of IWT, then reviewed the related literature and theories to provide with the theoretical basis of IWT. Furthermore, the author presented the development of the IWT App and system with the steps for using the App to collect and analyze the data. Based on the effect of implementing the IWT App and its system, some effective strategies for enhancing teachers' professional development were proposed.

KeywordsClassroom Walkthrough, intelligent Walkthrough, IWT App, Teachers'

professional development