


國民中小學校務經營中的自我評鑑現況研究 [詳全文]

作者:  鄭淑惠



本研究非常感謝個案縣市評鑑規畫團隊的支持,提供評鑑報告分析的寶貴機會,同時感謝行政院科技部補助專題計畫(NSC 100-2410-H-003-115),以及審查委員的指導。本文初稿曾發表於201410月,由國立臺灣師範大學教育政策與行政研究所、臺灣地方教育發展學會、國立臺灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心主辦之「縣市教育力與教育發展」學術研討會。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2014, Vol. 17

Current Situation of Self Evaluation in School Management: A Study on Elementary and Junior High Schools

Author : Shu-Hue i Cheng

Vol.&No. No. 17
DateJune 2014

Self evaluation is considered a part of school management and plays a crucial role in increasing and assuring the quality of schools. Nevertheless, empirical research on implementing self evaluation in school management is currently lacking. There fore, this study examined the current situation of self evaluation and room for improvement by adopting document analysis. This study analyzed the school evaluation reports of elementary and junior high schools in a sampled city. Particularly, documents wh ose evaluation dimensions and items were consistent with the idea of self evaluation were analyzed. The findings are outlined as follows: (a) Some schools can design approaches for self evaluation in their school development plans. In addition, they use sc hool meetings and forms in their self evaluation. Improvement should be made on developing concrete and holistic self evaluation plans. (b) Schools can collect and analyze data through meetings, informal interviews, and observations. In addition, some of t hem establish a data management system. Further improvement should be made on enhancing the level of implementation. (c) Most schools can use self evaluation results for improvement. They should clearly understand, apply, and respond to self evaluation res ults. On the basis of the findings, suggestions for enhancing the practice of self evaluation are provided in this paper paper.

Keywords self-evaluation, school evaluation, school management, elementary and junior high schools