期刊目錄列表-第十七期索引【教育評鑑研究期刊】(103年6月出版) |
國民小學校務評鑑報告運用之研究-學習型組織觀點 [詳全文] 作者: 潘同泰 |
刊期:第17期 |
摘要: 關鍵詞:校務評鑑報告運用、學習型組織、校務評鑑 |
Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2014, Vol. 17 |
School Evaluation Reports in Elementary Schools: A Learning Organization Perspective Author : Tung Tai Pan |
Vol.&No.: No. 17 |
School evaluation is part of educational evaluation; its aim is to improve the quality of education in schools. The department o f education in Taipei City Government carried out its elementary school evaluation in 2007. The goal of this research is to understand the meaning of school evaluation reports, and explore the development of a learning organization, learn about the factor s influencing the use of school evaluation reports. Plus, the model of using school evaluation reports and recommendations for using school reports are proposed. This study was applied to content analysis to understand the meaning of school evaluation repo rts and factors to learning organization perspective analysis of school development. This study analyzed the literature on school evaluation report use. This study aims to stimulate the development of a learning organization, to develop a school evaluation report experience sharing process, to promote self enhancement, to share the meaning of school evaluation reports, and to reach a common vision.
Keywords: school evaluation report use, learning organization, school evaluation