期刊目錄列表-第十八期索引【教育評鑑研究期刊】(104年12月出版) |
國中小校長正向特質與領導效能感關係之研究─以桃園市為例 [詳全文] 作者: 林和春 |
刊期:第18期 |
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解桃園市各國中小校長正向特質與領導效能感之現況,其次驗證 兩者間之關係模型。為達成研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以「桃園市國中小校 長正向特質與領導效能感關係之研究問卷」為施測工具,並以該市103 學年度各公 立國中小校長為研究對象之母群體,進行全面普查。研究對象包括國中校長58 位、 國小校長187 位,合計245 位,發出問卷後,回收177 份,回收率72.24%,經檢視 後,有效樣本162 份,有效率91.52%。調查所得資料以描述統計及SEM 結構模式 等方法進行分析。研究發現桃園市國中小校長之正向特質整體呈現高度表現,以「智 慧與知識」和「人道與愛」層面較佳;而在「勇氣」表現稍低一點。桃園市國中小 校長領導效能感屬高度發展之效能,尤以「營造和諧氣氛」層面最佳;而在「實施 績效評鑑」層面相對較低。桃園市各國中小校長正向特質對領導效能感有顯著且正 向的影響。 關鍵詞:國中小校長、正向特質、領導效能感 |
Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2015, Vol. 18 |
A Study on the Correlation between School Principals’ Positive Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness: Exemplified by Elementary and Junior High School Principals in Taoyuan City |
Vol.&No.: No. 18 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between personality
traits and leadership effectiveness among elementary and junior high school
principals in Taoyuan City. Significant differences were analyzed as a result of
different demographic variables. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted
to estimate the correlational model proposed by the study. A survey instrument,
named “positive personality traits and leadership effectiveness of elementary and
junior high school principals in Taoyuan City”, was distributed to the population
census of 245 participants, consisting of 58 junior high school principals and
187 elementary school principals. 177 surveys were returned, for a return rate
of 72.24%. Among the total returned surveys, 162 were valid, yielding a valid
response rate of 91.52%. Methods used to analyze the data included descriptive
statistics and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results of the data analysis are
summarized below:
With regard to the construct of positive personality traits among elementary
and junior high school principals in Taoyuan City, the dimensions of “intelligence
and knowledge” and “benevolence and caring” outperformed the other dimensions,
while “courage” was comparatively low among all dimensions. With regard
to the construct of leadership effectiveness among elementary and junior high
school principals in Taoyuan City, the dimensions of “creation of harmony”
outperformed the other dimensions, while “practices of performance evaluation”
was comparatively low among all dimensions. Positive correlations were found on
school principals’ positive personality traits and leadership effectiveness.
Keywords:elementary and junior high school principals; leadership effectiveness;
positive personality traits.