

國民生活滿意度因素之探索:以〈世界價值調查〉的臺灣資料為例  [詳全文]




許多國外研究探討國民生活滿意度的相關因素,然而很少有研究探討臺灣國民在這方面狀況。本研究透過〈世界價值調查〉(World Values Survey, 2020)臺灣資料的1,223名樣本,分析臺灣國民的生活滿意度因素,建構生活滿意度模式,找出與生活滿意度有關的重要因素。獲得結論如下:一、個人自陳健康狀況、經濟收入與年齡和生活滿意度的關聯最高,個人自陳健康狀況與經濟收入愈好及年齡愈長,生活滿意度愈高,而這三個因素可以解釋生活滿意度共24.7%。二、個人的人際信任愈高、愈有宗教信仰、社會階層愈高、愈能以國家為榮、男性及已婚者生活滿意度高。三、國民接受的教育程度愈高,以及和家長同住的生活滿意度低。本研究貢獻在於透過〈世界價值調查〉分析臺灣國民的生活滿意度發現,個人健康、經濟收入與年齡對生活滿意度是重要因素,而教育程度愈高及與家長同住者的生活滿意度愈低。政府及個人應重視個人健康之外,更應促進經濟發展,避免接受教育年數愈多,生活滿意度愈低。



Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2021, Vol. 30

Exploration on the Factors of Life Satisfaction: Evide nce from the Taiwan Participated in World Values Survey Data

Author: Fang Chung Chang

Vol.&No.Vol. 30
DateDecember 2021

AbstractMany foreign studies have explored factors affecting people’s life satisfaction, but few studies have explored the status of Taiwanese citizens in this regard. This research used 1,223 samples of Taiwan survey data in the World Values Survey (2020) to analyze the factors that affected the life satisfaction of Taiwanese citizens, constructed a model of factors related to life satisfaction, and found important factors related to life satisfaction. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Personal self-reported health, economic income and age and life satisfaction were the highest. The better the personal self-reported health and economic income and the longer the age, the higher the life satisfaction, and the three factors can be explained that life satisfaction was 24.7%. 2. The higher the individual’s interpersonal trust, the higher the religious belief, the higher the social class, the more proud of the country, the higher the life satisfaction of men and married people. 3 The higher the education level the citizens receive, and the lower the life satisfaction of living with their parents. The contribution of this research was to analyze the life satisfaction of Taiwanese citizens through the data of the "World Value Survey" and find that personal health, economic income and age were important factors for life satisfaction, and the higher the level of education and the life satisfaction of those living with their parents. Therefore, the government and individuals should not only pay attention to personal health, but also promoted economic development. At the same time, we should review the education system to avoiding that the more years of education, the lower the life satisfaction.

Keywordseconomic income, interpersonal trust, life satisfaction, personal health, years of education