

結合問題導向專案之社會實踐課程對於大學生發展永續共通職能之研究 [詳全文]




本研究探討在社會實踐課程中,採用問題導向學習歷程對大學生發展永續共通職能的影響。研究者檢驗教師在課程中,採用情境式學習、鷹架教學與問題導向的專案實施對學生職能的影響。本研究採質量混合研究方法,量化研究部分,透過共通職能診斷的前後測配對比較,檢驗職能的改變;質化研究部分,透過立意抽樣,訪談學生感知的學習歷程與成效。研究對象來自臺北一所私立大學心理學系修習「行為改變技術」課程的學生,包括85 名完成前後測量的學生與23 名接受半結構訪談的學生。共通職能量化檢驗揭示學生在「溝通表達」、「持續學習」、「問題解決」、「創新」、和「資訊技術應用」等職能上有的顯著成長,然而在「人際互動」、「團隊合作」和「工作責任及紀律」並無顯著成長;質化主題內容分析揭示了四個發生在學習歷程中的核心主題(1)情境式學習,(2)鷹架式教學,(3)問題導向專題,和(4)深層次的認知處理。本研究顯示,社會實踐課程可藉由合宜的鷹架教學、問題導向的專案設計與社會情境學習的設置,提升學生永續共通職能的成長。



Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2023, Vol. 34

Developing Sustainability Competencies of University Students Through Problem-Oriented Project in a Social Practice Course

Author: An Chu, Yuhan Tseng & Chung-Kwei Wang

Vol.&No.Vol. 34
DateDecember 2023

This study examines the effects of scaffolding instruction and situated learning on students’ sustainability competencies through a problem-oriented project in a social practice course. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were conducted to examine the change in sustainability competencies and the process's underlying mechanism. Students enrolled in the course “The Behavior Modification Strategies” that incorporated social practice activities were recruited in 2022 and 2023. The quantitative aspect of the study, known as Competency assessment, consisted of both a pretest and a posttest that was administered immediately after the course. The qualitative elements entailed 23 semi-structured interviews conducted in September 2022, involving 10 students, and in September 2023, involving 13 students. After completing
the course, the competency examination demonstrated a notable augmentation in the domains of communication, continuous learning, problem-solving, creativity, and technology application. The remaining parts, interpersonal skills, teamwork, and discipline were deemed statistically non-significant. An analysis of the thematic content revealed four fundamental themes that surfaced during the process of learning: (1) situated learning, (2) scaffolding instruction, (3) problem-oriented project, and (4) deep-level cognitive processing. The findings indicated that the students' essential competencies were enhanced by implementing situated learning within the context of the social practice course, facilitated by scaffolding instruction in problem-oriented projects.

Keywords: deep-level cognitive processing, problem-oriented project, scaffolding instruction, situated learning, sustainability competency