


國民中學教師績效責任指標之建構  [詳全文]

作者:  呂秀卿、吳清山


本研究旨在建構適用於本國之國民中學教師績效責任指標及其 權重,作為國民中學教師提升教師績效責任認知及教育主管機關進行 績效考核之參酌依據。本研究之研究對象為十五位模糊德懷術專家小 組成員,包括教育主管機關行政人員、專家學者、國民中學學校實務 人員及家長代表。首先,根據文獻探討之結果,初擬國民中學教師績 效責任指標,其次,經由模糊德懷術問卷調查,建立國民中學教師績 效責任指標系統架構;最後,再以層級分析法進行相對權重問卷調 查,以建立指標系統內各階層指標之權重。

本研究結果所建構出之國民中學教師績效責任指標共包含四個 層面、10 個項目及52 項細目指標。其權重以四個層面為例,各層面 依其重要性排列,分別為「教學實踐」(33.7%)、「專業責任」(30.6%)、「學生成果」(24.9%)及「發展改進」(10.8%)。最後,依據研究 結果,提出具體建議,俾供教育主管機關及國民中學實務人員於績效考核及自評實務應用之參考。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2018, Vol. 24

A Study on the Construction of Indicators for Teacher Accountability in Junior High Schools

Author : Hsiu-Ching Lu, Ching-Shan Wu

Vol.&No. No. 24
DateDecember 2018

The purpose of this study is to promote the understanding of teacher accountability in junior high schools by developing the indicators and respective weight values. The study was conducted in two stages.

In the first stage, the researchers applied a Fuzzy Delphi survey to construct the content of the indicators. Fifteen expert samples were selected to be the panel to answer the questionnaires. The panel consisted of government administrators, college professors who are specialized in education accountability, representatives of parents, and school members, such as principals and master teachers. Based on the responses of the panel, four levels of indicators for the accountability of high schools’ teachers were identified, associated with ten dimensions and fifty-two specific indicators.

In the second stage, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to weigh the values of each layer of indicators comparatively. As a result, the order by importance of the five levels for the accountability of junior high schools’ teachers were (1) Teaching practice (33.7%); (2) Attitude and Ethic Responsibility (30.6%); (3) Students’ Performances and Outcomes (24.9%); (4) Professional Learning and Development (10.8%).

Based on these findings, specific suggestions are proposed for educational policy makers, junior high school administrators and teachers. The study also proposes further research for promoting teacher accountability in junior high schools.

Keywords accountability; construction of indicators; Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM); Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)