The purposes of this study were to explore the relationship between the evaluation of teaching practice and teaching effectiveness in the elementary schools. The study adopted questionnaire survey, and 552 teachers were sampled from public elementary schools in Kaohsiung City. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regressions, and canonical correlation. Conclusions of this study are : 1) Teachers’ attitude on the evaluation of teaching practice is below the mean , but above is on teaching effectiveness. 2) The school evaluation and teaching effectiveness have a low positive correlation. 3) The evaluation of teaching practice has a low powerful prediction on teaching effectiveness. 4) The canonical correlation exists between the evaluation of teaching practice and teaching effectiveness, but the redundancy measure is low. Based on the conclusions, suggestions are offered: 1) Teachers should be more involved in school. 2) Teachers should be concerned for the communication on parents and students. 3)Teachers should continue to keep teaching effectiveness on high level. 4) Teachers should use indicators of teaching practice for self-check.
Keywords:school evaluation, evaluation of teaching practice, teaching effectiveness