期刊目錄列表-第三十期索引【教育評鑑研究期刊】(110年月出版) |
我國大學校院碩士班學生休學原因探析 [詳全文] 作者:林靜慧、林思吟、胡柏先 |
刊期:第30期 |
摘要: 近二十年來,臺灣的高等教育從菁英制走向普及化,念研究所的人數也大幅成長。然而,根據教育部統計處資料顯示,自80學年度起,碩士班的就讀人數顯著成長,但近年來碩士班的休、退學人數則呈現增加的趨勢。綜觀目前國內高等教育相關研究,多半以單一學校、大學部學生的休退學進行討論,然而對於研究所階段的休退學情形及原因之實證研究相當缺乏。因此。本篇文章藉由教育部平臺105至108學年度碩士班學生休學原因數據資料,利用機器學習(machine learning)的技術,探究國內一般大學碩士班學生休學情形及原因,並依休學人數比例及各項休學原因比例的相似性,歸納出三個集群。文末,針對結論提出討論及後續研究建議,以供決策者及執行推動者作為參考。 關鍵詞:休學、校務研究、高等教育、集群分析、碩士班 |
Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2021, Vol. 30 |
Examination of Suspension Factors for Taiwan Gradu ate students Author: Ching Hui Lin, Szu Yin Lin, Po Hsien Hu |
Vol.&No.:Vol. 30 |
Abstract: Over the past two decades, higher education in Taiwan has transformed from elite to universal, the number of graduate students has also grown substantially. According to data from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Education, the number of master students has grown significantly since 1991; however, the suspension rate has increased in recent years. A review of literature suggests that there is a noticeable lack of attention to student suspension factors at the master level in Taiwan’s higher education. Therefore, the article aims to explore the suspensionfactors for Taiwan graduate students. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Education open database for universities and colleges. Through machine learning technique and cluster analysis, three university clusters were generated, based on the similarity of the suspension rate and the proportion of suspension reasons. Implications of the results for policy makers and institutional practices also provided in this article. Keywords:Retention, Institutional Research, Higher Education, Cluster Analysis, Master Program |