

國家發展評比:需求層次觀點及其在教育政策的應用  [詳全文]




基於 Maslow 的需求層次論,本研究以生理需求、安全需求、愛的需求、尊嚴需求與自我實現需求層面建構國家發展指數,並對 111 個國家排名和瞭解不同需求層次之間的影響關係。從UNDP2014蒐集到 111 個國家的資料,透過統計分析獲得以下結論:一、高度國民所得的已開發國家在生理需求、安全需求、愛的需求、尊嚴需求、自我實現及整體國民需求的排名較多,落後國家則都排名在後。二、國民的生理需求影響安全需求,安全需求影響愛的需求,愛的需求影響尊嚴需求,尊嚴需求影響自我實現需求。三、影響自我實現需求的重要性依序為尊嚴需求、愛的需求、生理需求及安全需求。本研究貢獻在於從國家發展觀點分析,支持了需求層次理論,突破原先以個體需求層次的架構,代表需求層次論可以應用於國家發展的詮釋及其在教育政策的應用。



Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2022, Vol. 31

National Development Rankings: A Hierarchy of Needs Perspective and Its Application in Education Policy

Author: Fang-Chung Chang

Vol.&No.Vol. 31
DateJune 2022


Based on the need - hierarchy theory, this study used the dimension of the physiological needs, safety needs, loved needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs to construct the index of the national development, and it also ranked the index. Besides it also studued the correlation among the different level need. Data from 111 countries were collected from UNDP (2014), and the following conclusions were obtained through statistical analysis, and the results were as follows: 1. most of the developed countries were ranked top in the index of the physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs, respectively, in contrast, the low developing countries were ranked the bottom. 2. the safety needs was impacted by physiological needs, the safety needs affected on the loved needs, the loved needs afected on the esteem needs , and the esteem needs affected on the self-actualization needs. 3. All 4 level needs affected on the self-actualization needs, and from the big to the small effects size were esteem needs, loved needs, physiological needs, and safety needs. The contribution of this research was that it supported the hierarchy of needs theory from the perspective of national development, breaking through the original structure of individual needs hierarchy, and the hierarchy of needs theory can be applied to the interpretation of national development and its application in educational policy.

Keywordsesteem needs, loved needs, needs-hierarchy theory, physiological needs, safety needs, self-actualization needs