

臺灣高等教育機構社群網站應用之目的與動機-以疫情前後,使用Facebook社群網站平臺為例  [詳全文]




自網路發明以來,社群網站(social network sites)已逐漸成為現代網絡連結的重要工具,愈來愈多人將社群網站應用在各教育階段的教學與班級經營中。各國高等教育機構更是透過社群網站傳遞重要訊息並積極地與學生建立連結。而在新冠肺炎疫情爆發後,社群網站更成為國際高等教育機構校務、招生與教學之重要工具,其中尤以Facebook最為廣泛使用。我國高等教育機構在近年來,亦相繼設立官方的Facebook 專頁(page),且廣泛的應用社群網站的相關功能。然而探討我國高等教育機構應用社群網站現況、模式與方法之研究卻相當稀少。因此,本研究以Facebook 為例,檢視臺灣不同類型之高等教育機構在疫情前後社群網絡的使用,其研究目的為:一、了解臺灣高等教育機構使用Facebook 之現況;二、探討臺灣高等教育機構使用Facebook之目的與動機;三、了解疫情前後,臺灣高等教育使用Facebook 的變化。本研究採網路觀察法並使用主題分析,抽樣12 所高等教育機構之社群網站專頁,並與6 位學生進行深度訪談。本研究發現,我國高等教育機構普遍使用社群網站,且各類型大學皆將其作為與學生及互動關係人建立關係之重要工具,然不同類型大學之使用方法仍有差異。




Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, December 2022, Vol. 32

The use of Social Network Sites Among the Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan: the Case Study of Facebook Before and After COVID

Author: I-Jung Grace Lu

Since the invention of social network sites (SNSs), it has become one of the essential tools for social networking and information searching in this digital era. Higher education institutions (HEIs) have also used SNSs to promote the academic performance of their faculty, connect with their current students and attract more potential students and stakeholders to increase the retention rate. After the outbreak of COVID-19, SNSs have even become more critical for HEIs to maintain connections with students and stakeholders, and Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms for such links. Most of the HEIs in Taiwan have also used Facebook as a tool to attract students and to promote their reputation.
However, there still needs to be more in the current literature on understanding how HEIs in Taiwan use SNSs. Thus, this research aimed to explore the current situation of using SNSs among Taiwanese HEIs, using Facebook as a case. This research also compared the change of purposes and practices among the SNS usage among the HEIs and their students after the outbreak of COVID-19. Overall, 12 HEIs were selected for web-based observation, and four university students and two high school graduates were invited to participate in the in-depth interview. This research identified that most HEIs in Taiwan have frequently used Facebook as their platform for information announcements. However, the usage of the platform may be different. This study also identified the preference among students for using the SNS and how the HEIs should adapt their administrative strategy of their SNS to promote their information the most. Making sure the posts shared are informative and the ways of sharing are efficient is also important.


Keywords: Social network sites, Facebook, networking, reputation building,
information searching

Vol.&No.Vol. 32
DateDecember 2022