


第三十二期索引 (11112月出版)


A Longitudinal Study on Freshmen's College Choices, Learning Plan, Interests and Abilities —A Case Study of the Private University of Technology in Northern Taiwan

       作者: 黃建翔Chien-Hsiang Huang

The use of Social Network Sites Among the Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan: the Case Study of Facebook Before and After COVID

作者:呂依蓉/I-Jung Grace Lu

A Study of the Relationships among the Principles’ Distributed Leadership, Teachers’ Professional Learning Community and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment of Junior high schools in Taipei City

作者:鄭旭宏Hsu-Hong Cheng

Book Review on “Educational Administration and Governance: A New Managerialism Approach”

作者:洪慧瑄/Hui-Shiuan Hung