




作者:  張德銳、張素偵


臺北市中小學教學輔導教師制度自1999 年開始推動,其目的在於鼓勵資深優良教師走出教室,發揮「薪火相傳」的教學領導功能,亦即教學輔導教師制度具體實踐了教師領導的理念。因此,本研究係從臺北市中小學中選出一所推動教學輔導教師制度有成效的國民中學,以訪談法及文件分析法深入瞭解其教學輔導教師在教師領導的現況,訪談對象為三位教學輔導教師、三位夥伴教師,以及校長和教務主任,文件分析則用以檢驗、補充訪談資料,希冀從中發現該校教學輔導教師在教師領導的內涵、成效與困境,進而提出具體建議。綜合研究結果,獲致主要結論如下:

一、 教師領導的工作內涵主要係從事教學行動研究、促進教師專業發展、擔任與行政的溝通橋樑,以及從事校外推廣並成為他校教師的楷模。

二、 教師領導的成效為教學輔導教師與夥伴教師教學相長、有效幫助學生學習、型塑優質教師文化、促進學校革新與發展及破除教師孤立文化。

三、 教師領導的主要困境在於教學輔導教師與夥伴教師互動時間不足,及受到少子化的影響,無法招募新進教師,導致教師領導制度產生配對上的困難。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2018, Vol. 23

A Case Study of the Results and Difficulties of Teacher Leadership of Mentor Teachers in a Junior High School

Author : Derray Chang, Su-Chen Chang

Vol.&No. No. 23
DateJune 2018

The mentor teacher program in Taipei was implemented in 1999. The purposes of this program are to encourage outstanding teachers to bring their talent and promise into full play beyond their classroom, and to pass the flame of remembrance onto the next generation. The mentor teacher program put the concept of teacher leadership into practice. This study selected a junior high school which promotes mentor teacher program effectively from among elementary and secondary schools in Taipei. The study adopted a qualitative approach to data collection by interviewing 3 mentor teachers, 3 partner teachers, the director of academic affairs, and the principal of this school. Interview data was verified and complemented by analyzing documents provided by mentor teachers. The aim is to understand teacher leadership operation and its results and difficulties, and to address their successful experience. According to the results, we present the following findings:

1. The contents of teacher leadership are that mentor teachers conduct instructional action research, facilitate the development of partner teachers, function as the communication bridge between administration and teachers, and promote teaching experience outside the school boundary.

2. The effects of teacher leadership are that mentor teachers and partner teachers can benefit from each other, increase student learning efficiently, cultivate better teacher culture, promote school reform and development, and eliminate teacher isolation.

3. The main difficulties of teacher leadership are insufficient interaction time between mentor teacher and partner teacher, as well as matchmaking, because of low birth rates leading to difficulties in recruiting new teachers.

Keywords eacher leadership, mentor teacher, partner teacher, professional development