


國民中學適性教育指標建構及其成效評估之研究 [詳全文]

作者:  賴協志


本研究目的主要在建構適切的國民中學適性教育指標;評估國民中學適性教育指標之重要與實際做到程度;以及探討國民中學適性教育指標重要與實際做到程度之差異情形。為達成上述目的,本研究主要係採用問卷調查法,以分層隨機方式抽取2,400 位國民中學教師,回收有效問卷1,752 份進行分析,獲得的結論包括:

一、 國民中學適性教育指標系統包含四個層面及32 個細項指標,具有良好的信效度。

二、 國民中學適性教育指標系統整體及各層面的重要程度係屬中高程度,得分較低的是「課程教學與評量」層面。

三、 國民中學適性教育指標系統整體及各層面的實際做到程度係屬中高程度,得分較低的是「家長支持與參與」層面。

四、 國民中學適性教育指標系統之「行政管理與運作」及「學生學習與輔導」層面的重要程度與實際做到程度皆高。

五、 國民中學適性教育指標系統之細項指標須繼續保持的有12 個,而須加強改善的有2 個。





Journal of Educational Administration and Evaluation, June 2018, Vol. 23

A Study on the Construction of Indicators and Effectiveness Evaluation of Adaptive Education in Junior High Schools

Author : Hsieh-Chih Lai

Vol.&No. No. 23
DateJune 2018

The main objectives of this research are to construct appropriate indicators of adaptive education in junior high schools, to evaluate the important and practical extent of indicators of adaptive education in junior high schools, and to explore the differences between the important and practical extent of indicators of adaptive education in junior high schools. To achieve these objectives, this study adopted a questionnaire survey. We sampled 2,400 teachers in junior high schools in Taiwan by stratified random sampling and retrieved 1,752 effective questionnaires to conduct an empirical study. The conclusions of this research indicated the following: 1. The indicators of adaptive education in junior high schools is comprised of four dimensions and thirty-two indicators and has good reliability and validity. 2. The importance degree of the indicators system of adaptive education in junior high schools was at medium high level, but the dimension of “curriculum, instruction and assessment” had low-performance. 3. The practical degree of the indicators for adaptive education in junior high schools was at medium high level, but the dimension of “parental support and participation” had low-performance. 4. The important and practical degree of the dimensions of “administrative management and operation” and “student learning and guidance” was at medium high level. 5. The twelve detailed indicators of adaptive education in junior high schools should continue to be maintained, but the other two detailed indicators should be improved.

Keywords adaptive education, the construction of indicators, effectiveness evaluation, junior high schools